Zotmerr is a digital art project by Julian Bektashi. The purpose of the rest of this text will merely be that of filling up this info section of the website in order to make it look nice and credible. As many of you might agree, or at least agree to a certain extent, any introduction or description of this body of work would simply be redundant, if not banal. Actually, if we have to be completely fair, a well-written introduction is possible, but it has to be something truly capable of complementing the vision, intent and intellectual depth of the artist. Something that can flicker the right parts of your mind, conscious and/or subconscious, where images can’t. Thus not a literary translation, but everything or at least part of what might be lost in translation from idea to tangible art. Sadly, and the neo-liberal way of life is partly to be blamed, there is not time for that.